最近爱上了 country songs...^_^
Ben & Alyssa - Salinas Wedding Videographer
10 years ago
单枝蓝色妖姬花语:相守是一种承诺,人世轮回中,怎样才能拥有一份温柔的情意! |
三枝蓝色妖姬花语:你是我最深的爱恋,希望永远铭记我们这段美丽的爱情故事! |
双枝蓝色妖姬花语:相遇是一种宿命,心灵的交汇让我们有诉不尽的浪漫情怀 |
七枝蓝色妖姬 花语:无尽的祝福 |
十一枝蓝色妖姬 花语:一心一意 |
十二枝+满天星 花语:哦,我的玫瑰情人,我要挑逗你、诱惑你、宠爱你、纵容你!我要你做我的蓝色精灵,对全世界起骄傲的唇角,在爱的天空中翱翔。 |
Later, I'll go to Ang Mo Kio Public Library to borrow some books that introduce Chiang Mai and it's nearby provinces. My main intention is to refer to the hardcopy-version of Chiang Mai's map which I think will be helpful during my forthcoming Chiang Mai trip. | ![]() |
就这样,我从 S'pore 到 LCCT 的机票就要当废纸了。
尝试拨电给Airsia, 希望可以要求赔偿。 等了半个小时,都没有operator 接听 (不懂是真的忙还是 purposely don't wan to pick up the phone x_T)。怎么办?