Wednesday, December 30, 2009

~ Half Year ~

1st Month

6th Month



你还好吗? eom

Monday, December 28, 2009

Excerps from The Daily Motivator - Frustration into achievement

Frustration into achievement

How do you transform a frustration into an achievement? First, step back and get some perspective.

Look objectively at the reason why you are frustrated. Find the specific positive belief or value within yourself that makes your frustration feel so negative.

Instead of directing your frustration at some person or object or situation outside yourself, look inward. See that the energy of your frustration is attempting to validate and express some key positive value that you sincerely treasure.

Zero in on that value and focus your attention on it. Discover that there are plenty of positive, creative ways to give life and expression to whatever you value.

Consider the positive possibilities, and realize that within your frustration is the passion to bring those possibilities to life. Use your frustration to discover something good about who you are, and then use it as motivation to express that goodness.

There's something positive that your frustration can tell you. Find it and bring it to life.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Song dedicated to Tiger Woods

The Tiger Woods case might be closed in the opinion of the Florida Highway Patrol, but not according to some of the women who reportedly have had relationships with the pro golfer. In turn, several of his major corporate sponsors began distancing themselves from Woods. As the Tiger Woods story continues to evolve and escalate, more and more and more (and more) women who aren't named Mrs. Woods have come into the fray claiming they've had affairs with the great golfer. But I believe, Golf still need you and all the golf sports fanatics are awaiting a brand-new Tiger coming back to the town.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

2009年必看的岁末电影 - 十月围城 Bodyguards and Assassins

今天突然取消了到JB找HY的安排(她很忙,忙陪家人为家里装修的事儿),便问从今早起床便忙着玩电脑游戏的屋友有没有兴趣去看十月围城(反正你也无所事事)。上网查看Ang Mo Kio Hub‘s Cathay Cineplex的这出电影有没有好座位(还好有)。然后,出发!





Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Prince vs prince in Kelantan

Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra 这个吉兰丹王子又相法庭报到了(之前是向他的前印尼模特儿妻子Manohara Odelia Pinot讨回她向他借的120万令吉,最终,他赢了)。这一次他挑战他大哥的决定(废黜Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra在吉兰丹王位继承人理事会的会员籍。)如果我是吉兰丹子民,必定会祈求神明不要让Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra当上吉兰丹苏丹。还好他是排行第三,王位不会那么容易落入他的手里。Alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Singapore City Gallery 参观记

机缘巧合下,阅读了某篇介绍Singapore City Gallery的文章,得知参观Singapore City Gallery是免费的。她将会让我有机会了解新加坡的历史点滴且更能预览她的未来发展方向。(毕竟,本人一向来都很钦佩新加坡在未来发展建设的妥善计划,比如说现在的 MRT Circle Lines的发展蓝图早在十多二十年前就规划好了。)

百闻不如一见,12月5日便邀了Jeff(中国同事)一起到离Tangjong Pagar Mrt大概5分钟步行路程的 Singapore City Gallery。(两个小时的参观)

一跨进门槛,就知道不枉此行。第一楼层都是一些现今与未来发展的站立式资讯图板,还有那陈设在离入口处右侧的CBD area的立体建筑模型。所以说,虽说新加坡是犹如加拿大《国家邮报》网站上一篇评论文章作者保罗·林芝般认为是唯一什么味道都嗅不到的城市,除非你对铜臭味特别敏感,(报章打了一个问号:新加坡是不是真的没有特色气味,只有铜臭味?)但新加坡对于每一个旅游景点的介绍,资讯提供都是那么的详尽。每每都让我无暇一一收入眼帘(Jeff一直唠叨我花太多时间拍照,欣赏图鉴,阅读相关资讯)。


由于Singapore City Gallery装载着新加坡的过去,现在与未来,我在二楼主要柜台旁拿了很大叠的新加坡旅游资讯手册。有些许愧疚的是,到新加坡工作3年多了,还有那么多旅游景点没有参观。


Thursday, December 10, 2009

25th SEA Games (@ VIENTIANE, LAOS)

第25届(两年一度的)东南亚运动会圣火已经点燃了。这项本区域最大型的运动会将会从本月 9日进行至18日。这一届的东运会有些许与众不同,因为她是有东南亚最穷的国家寮国所举办。毕竟,了解寮国的人都懂她曾经内战连连,又曾被多国入侵,主权常落在别人手上,包括泰国,法国,日本和美国。之前有报道说寮国可能不能如期完成硬体建设而可能临时要求其他国家接班。当盛大的东运开幕仪式顺利完成,真的很钦佩寮国举国上下,同心协力的付出,势必完成这‘不可能的’使命,任务。



经过两年时间,一座可容纳2万人的摩登体育场成为了寮国永珍人民的骄傲。这犹如马来西亚举办1998年的共和联邦运动会 (Commanwealth Games),举国同庆。当年,大马健儿历史性的赢得了10面金牌。


不要每次贬新加坡,"收购"外国人才,国耻什么的。你看人家还特地设了一个 Team Singapore的东运网站,让国人支持国家代表。

Team Singapore



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blood Donation @ Red Dot Museum

Browsed the donorweb blog just now and attracted by these 2 card designs. In Singapore, the blood donation drive normally will be organised by Community Center. This is the 1st time seeing Red Dot Museum organising the blood donation drive. I guess the organising party will make this blood donation a special one with their creative ideas (as can be seen from below' cards with lot of creativity, soooooo CUTE).

I can't join this blood donation drive as I just donated few weeks ago. Wish this event a successful one. Blood Donor, Are you Ready ?!? GO GO GO...Your Blood is REPLACEABLE, but Life is NOT.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Foam Rose 玫瑰-彩塑

昨晚心血来潮自学制作 Foam Rose 玫瑰-彩塑。可能艺术细胞不是那么好,花了几个小时尝试制作几个都不是很理想。唯有再接再厉了,务必要制作出理想的玫瑰花朵。gambatte...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Self-prepared Lunch after Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2009 Run

Woke up at 5:30am this morning to prepare for the Singapore Marathon Run. Reached the venue @ Esplanade Drive at around 7:00am and the 10km Men category's run began at 7:45am. Wow...10km is really really long distance for the 1st timer like me. In the end, I managed to finish the run in 1 hour 17 mins.

Reached home at around 10:30am and felt very hungry, decided to cook myself. Yummy...

Plan to take part in the 21km run (but need to put more effort in training before the run ^_^)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Singapore City Gallery

Wanna know more about the past, present and future of S'pore? How well do you know S'pore? To test it out, I've decided to visit Singapore City Gallery @ 45 Maxwell Road
The URA Centre. Admission is free ^_^

Opening Hours
Mon – Sat : 9am to 5pm
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. Admission is free.

My plans for tomorrow:
7:30am - wake up and go for jogging for 30 mins
8:00am - go to wet market and buy my next week's cooking ingredients ^_^
8:30am - take shower, has my breakfast
9:10am - depart and head to Singapore City Gallery (will meet Jeff at Chinatown MRT station)

10pm - sleep early in order to have enough sleep and well-prepared for Sunday's S'pore Marathon (10km)

Good Night @_@ (Hope HY enjoys her clubbing session @ ZOUK)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Is Better Than One

Leng Shan, wanna 'gap' this song with you ^_^