今天放工后就去 NorthPoint 的 Harvey Norman 买 Electric Oven。原本打算买网上热烈推荐的 Techno TEC 3400, 42 liter ($129),可是 out of stock x_X。而 Techno 另一个model Techno TEC 2500, 30 liter 也只剩下 display set (原价 $142, discout 后 $79.90)。
心想特地从 Ang Mo Kio 到 Yishun 就是为了买 Techno TEC 3400, 那么倒霉, out of stock。更何况最近公司没有什么工作做,还特地请了一天假。打算明天再去其他 supermarkets 买baking utensils, 然后就开始我的 Muffin making。
既然请了假,唯有不管三七二十一,买了 Techno TEC 2500 display set。还从NorthPoint托到 Yishun mrt station。再从 AMK mrt station 托到离 mrt station 有15 mins路程的住家。难为了我的双手 x_X。
If you wait for the ideal situation, it will never come. If you create the ideal situation, it will always be, whenever you choose for it to be.
There are plenty of excuses you can make for why this is not the time to act. And while you're busy making those excuses, someone else is busy taking those same actions that you are merely considering.
The time is right when you make it right. Waiting and hoping for things to get better will just allow things to get worse.
If it's important to you, figure out a way to get started on it now. Because the more you delay, the more you're telling yourself that it's really not that important.
Why would you want to spend your time setting yourself up for disappointment? Instead, you can spend that time marching steadily toward your goals.
The ideal time is when you make it, and what you make it. Make it now, and make it great.
这座寺庙坐落于泰国首席艺术家Chaloemchai Khositphiphat的故乡Mae Lao(靠近清莱市Chiang Rai Province, The temple is located 5 km south of the city of Chiang Rai)。White Temple由他自己出资,设计监督,全部建筑呈白色。寺庙外观装饰镜子碎片,所以当阳光照射在寺庙时,会发出一道又一道的光芒,光芒万丈,有大千世界的感觉。山形窗则装饰著Nagas( 多头蛇和幽冥世界之神只 ) 、大象及伞等形状。