到了 Wang's Kitchen 便 ordered 了Hong Kong Chicken Noodles,Fish with Butter Pepper 和一瓶 Mineral water (给我 1.5 l 的 x_X, 可是才不到 SGD0.50)。我真的很贪心,ordered 两样。那碟面可以让两个人吃。结果我吃剩 1/4 的面,只吃了一小块鱼片。吩咐店员打包 Fish with Butter Pepper, 打算拿回酒店吃。
我在回酒店的路途中看到路边有位至少65岁的老太婆在乞讨(那时侯她是低着头的),我也不懂为什么我会回头将手中的矿泉水交给她,然后打包的 Fish with Butter Pepper 也交给她了。最终两手空空的向酒店方向走。
回酒店的路途,问自己为什么刚才自己有那样的举动。答案是自己也不懂,就是自然反应吧。 Chennai 是 Tamil Nadu 的一个大城市,就好比 Perak 的 Ipoh。可是 Chennai 的人口有 5百万 (相等于新加坡的人口)。这里的人,很多还是生活贫困。刚才走回来酒店的时候也告诉自己,不要生那么多孩子,为这地球带来负担。两个就够了。
时间过得好快,子豫已经满24周岁了。很快,就要给她吃 solid food 了。根据 "Your BabyCare Bible" - "In spite of the foregoing, don't fee pressured to start weaning earlier or later than you feel is right for your baby as the guidelines do not fully take into account the wide individual variations in developmental maturity between infants. Having said this, don't leave weaning much later than six months (26 weeks), unless recommended to do so by your health visitor, as by then your baby will need non-milk sources of nourishment to provide sufficient calories, vitamins and minerals. After six months, breast or formula milk no longer meets all your baby's nutritional needs, particularly of iron, and now is the time to introduce "solid" foods to your baby's diet.
Eight Signs your baby is ready:
1) Seems unsatisfied after a milk feed and hungrier than usual.
2) Shows an interest in your food.
3) Makes chewing motions.
4) Can close her mouth around a spoon.
5) Holds her head up well.
6) Can sit up with support.
7) Can move her tongue back and forth.
8) Is teething.
Raising a healthy newborn and young toddler involves skills and information that parents need to access quickly and easily - knowing how to best feed, clean and comfort a baby and keep him or her safe from danger and ill health is vital. It's also essential that parents can readily find out what they need to know and be able to follow that advice accurately and effectively.
In order to provide parents with the most up-to-date and comprehensive information, a team of baby and child specialists compiled this highly illustrated practical guide. As well as in-depth chapters covering all aspects of childrearing, special fold-out pages demonstrate basic newborn care and first-aid procedures and a month-by-month guide details how your baby will develop over the course of the first three years.