Monday, February 25, 2013

子豫 @ 24 周岁

时间过得好快,子豫已经满24周岁了。很快,就要给她吃 solid food 了。根据 "Your BabyCare Bible" - "In spite of the foregoing, don't fee pressured to start weaning earlier or later than you feel is right for your baby as the guidelines do not fully take into account the wide individual variations in developmental maturity between infants. Having said this, don't leave weaning much later than six months (26 weeks), unless recommended to do so by your health visitor, as by then your baby will need non-milk sources of nourishment to provide sufficient calories, vitamins and minerals. After six months, breast or formula milk no longer meets all your baby's nutritional needs, particularly of iron, and now is the time to introduce "solid" foods to your baby's diet.

Eight Signs your baby is ready:
1) Seems unsatisfied after a milk feed and hungrier than usual.
2) Shows an interest in your food.
3) Makes chewing motions.
4) Can close her mouth around a spoon.
5) Holds her head up well.
6) Can sit up with support.
7) Can move her tongue back and forth.
8) Is teething.

看了很多关于开始让baby吃solid food的书,真的有些头痛(因为我打算主要都是自己准备 solid food, 而不是让子豫吃 ready-made 的 baby food puree)。打算这个周末就让子豫try solid food (可是上周末即兴准备的胡萝卜棒应该算子豫的 first solid food try, 想到她用舌头舔蒸软了的胡萝卜棒,然后那有些许不爽的样子就好笑,哈哈)。

No Added Salt, No Added Sugar, No Added Colourings, No Flavourings...

Sunday, February 17, 2013


在将踏入第五个月的当儿,子豫被无情的发烧病魔打倒了。星期五接近傍晚,我驾车载老婆和子豫到 Bukit Tinggi Jusco meet 老婆大学的印度好朋友。因为她想见一见我们的子豫。大概闲聊了一个小时,我们便离开了。原因是要 meet 老婆的家人出去吃饭。 结果,他们决定到小食档吃晚餐。下车后,风很大,我们便找了位子, order 食物。其实我不大想到小食档吃,因为晚上小孩在露天的地方会很容易着凉。结果,在上车要回家前,子豫手臂(有用小毛巾遮头)淋到了少许雨水。半夜大概两点钟当老婆要喂奶的时候,发现子豫好像有些许发烧,便叫我确认一下。我把手掌放在她的额头上探热,果然发烧了。用温度计测量,摄氏38.3度。心想,一定是着凉,感冒了。我们便用湿面巾替子豫散热,我也驱车到附近的 7-11 买婴儿退热贴。 隔天早上,子豫退烧了,没有之前那么烧。可是星期六还需要长路程回新加坡。结果,子豫在车上吐了一次,大便了一次,从 JB 回新加坡又大便多一次。好惨。 幸好子豫今天完全退烧了,还很开心地和我们微笑,玩闹。 可怜的子豫,都是 daddy 和 mummy 的疏忽,导致你发烧受苦了。以后一定要多加留意,细心。