Thursday, August 16, 2012

Diseases Treated With Stem Cells

Diseases Treated With Stem Cells

With new medical technology and techniques being introduced every day, the list of diseases treatable by stem cell therapies continues to grow at a rapid pace. These include:


Acute Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia
High-Risk Solid Tumors
Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Blood Disorders

Beta Thalassemia
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
Fanconi Anemia
Severe Aplastic Anemia
Sickle Cell Disease

Immune Disorders

Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Hystiocytic Disorders
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

Metabolic Disorders

Krabbe Disease
Hurler Syndrome
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
Sanfilippo Syndrome
Cord Blood Registry website (16 January 2012),

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


昨天 Soo Yee 和我分享了她生产的过程。她共花了大概18小时,她的小宝贝才呱呱堕地。她很感谢 Epidural 让她不需要忍受生产的剧痛。她也感谢接生医生的耐心等待,让她不需要剖腹生产。一直以来,我都认为生产是不简单的‘工程’。母亲们是伟大的,她们需要怀胎十月,经历那不简单的生产过程。接着便是很多人都认为比生产更难熬的坐月子。

一直到婆婆过世的那一刻,我才懂婆婆不只生产过8次(之前认为是7次,直到几年前,认回送人领养的姑姑),而是不懂是10次还是11次 (连我大伯也不懂确切地次数)。很遗憾的,我也从来没有在婆婆拥有健康体魄的时候,向她问起她生产的事。不管是10次还是11次,对我来说,婆婆是太厉害了。外婆也是(十个孩子,也不懂是不是怀孕十次)。

从怀孕十月,坐月一个月,都差不多要一年了。十个孩子,就需要十年,太"牛"了!况且怀孕不是简单的事,婆婆那个年代,生产时,应该没有 Epidural 这种止痛注射剂吧。如何熬过阿?


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Work from home 的好处就是,可以自己下厨. ^_^